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Normally we don't ask our clients for reviews. But the messages we receive from them after each order are real reviews that we publish with pleasure. Here they are! PS: Compliments flatter us, but constructive criticism teaches us how to improve and become even more complete and efficient. So, do not hesitate to criticize us if you deem it appropriate. We will always do our best and even more! Bell'Italia's staff
" Bell Italia TOP! Great supplier, partner, friend! Thank you all guys. Speak soon for a new order. "
" Good job, Ezia! Easy to order from your site, good prices. The goods arrived yesterday and all was perfect. Just more pictures on your site please. "
" Good to see that two assorted pallets arrived in just three days. I'm going to place a bigger order until Friday! Thank you Giovanna! "
" Giovanna, avrai l'ordine al sicuro domani mattina non ti preoccupare. La preparo stasera poi te la mando. Grazie che te ne occupi dei tuoi clienti. "
" Coucou Ezia, désolée d'avoiir mis autant de temps à te répondremais je voulais te féliciter et te remercier car la commandeétait perfaite! Joli travail. C'était genial! Rapide et presque tous le produits m'ont été livré. Je suis très contente de tous travail. Encore merci Ezia! Notre partenariat n'est pas prét de s'arreter. "
Merci déjà pour le boulot que tu as fourni, c'est vraiment super ! C'est déjà beaucoup mieux. J'adore ta patience et ton professionnalisme