The Wild Flower Bar & Dining


Food of the Sun The Wild Flower Bar & Dining, at Bells at Killcare, offers vibrant hospitality with a strong focus on Mediterranean flavours, simplicity and sustainability. The dining experience is…

Food of the Sun

The Wild Flower Bar & Dining, at Bells at Killcare, offers vibrant hospitality with a strong focus on Mediterranean flavours, simplicity and sustainability. The dining experience is a celebration of the coastal surrounds, featuring seafood from their local waterways in a lively, sophisticated space.

Take a culinary journey as you discover the delicious bar menu, or enjoy a masterful selection of antipasto snacks, a table-side toss of authentic house-made pasta, or maybe indulge in the Chefs Tasting Menu shared with friends.

Actively welcomes people with access needs.
Offer a range of contact methods for receiving complaints
Offer multiple options for booking - web, email, phone

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