Red Earth Opal Mine Tour


Since the 1890s, people have flocked to White Cliffs in the hope of finding their fortune. With Red Earth, you can go more than 13.5m beneath the ground into a working opal mine within the historic…

Since the 1890s, people have flocked to White Cliffs in the hope of finding their fortune. With Red Earth, you can go more than 13.5m beneath the ground into a working opal mine within the historic diggings. See how miners are still searching for these glittering gems using modern equipment. You’ll even have a chance to dig at the mine face yourself and may be lucky enough to discover a piece of opal.

Operating hours for the shop and tours are below, however please check with Red Earth for any changes.

Opal tours:
• Season runs 1 April to end November each year
• During this time, tours run seven days a week at 3pm

Shop and gallery:
• Season runs 1 April to end November each year
• Closed Monday/Tuesday, open the rest of the week from 10am - 3pm

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